Thursday 10 September 2015

Akira And His Best Friend

Akira: I have a new friend. He knows everything.
Kabira: Everything?
Akira: Yes. He knows how the world was created and he knows how it will end. He knows the future and he is aware of the past. He knows who my best friend is and my worst enemy. And most importantly, he says he knows what decisions will be best for me!
Kabira: That's great! I hope you find your happiness...

A few days later...

Kabira: Hi Akira. I haven't seen you in a while. How are you? 
Akira: Confused, and maybe a bit upset.
Kabira: Why? What's wrong?
Akira: I'm not sure.
Kabira: What about your new best friend? Does he know?
Akira: I talk to him all day and night. He told me that everyone else in the world is conspiring against me. He's my only friend and he's always by my side. But, for some reason, I still feel very lonely. I feel sad and hostile.
Kabira: He said the whole world is conspiring against you?
Akira: Yes. In fact, he told me I shouldn't be speaking to you either because you secretly wish for my unhappiness. I'm speaking to you only because he's fast asleep right now. If he wakes up to learn that we interacted, he will be very disappointed in me. I better go...
Kabira: Wait a minute Akira... This best friend of yours, what's his name? And where does he live?
Akira: His name is Ego, and he lives in my mind. 



  1. Yes all people have same problem and that ego, and there is no any solution. Keep writing beta.

  2. Yes all people have same problem and that ego, and there is no any solution. Keep writing beta.

  3. Very rightly pointed out and amazingly presented.
    Thank you for reminding us to keep this friend away.

    All the best

  4. Very well written, was wondering who this best friend was who was giving such false advice. A very great ending, ego is what lives in most of our minds and makes us pessimistic.
