Wednesday 23 September 2015

I didn't eat food for 7 days...

Specially dedicated to Mayuri Tailor; thank you for always inspiring.

No food? What about water?

During this 7-day period, I renounced any form of food. However, I was still consuming water. In this form of fasting, I would consume only boiled water, from sunrise till sunset, and none after. 

Why would I do this type of water fasting?

1. To cleanse. We take showers every morning to clean the outsides of our bodies, but what do we really do to keep the insides of our bodies clean? Not much I believe. Even if you try your best to eat the healthiest foods in your daily lives, I promise you are still ingesting lots and lots of toxins. In this case, your best option to get rid of these bodily toxins is to cleanse your body. Fasting is the most natural and effective way of cleansing your body, for real. 

Here's how it works. When you stop ingesting food during your fast, your body will have a lot more energy than usual as it ceases to expend this energy on digesting food. This allows your body to invest time and energy in removing the built-up toxins that your body must've housed for decades.

During your fast, you will experience your body undergoing a complete cleanse in several forms:
  • Your urine will be as clear as the water you drink
  • Your body odour will cease to exist and you will no longer require deodorant
  • Your skin will start to naturally glow and you will notice that your acne, dry skin and any other skin conditions saying goodbye to you, leaving you with a rejuvenated skin
  • Your body will excrete odourless stool - the unimaginable!
Try it and see for yourself!

2. To be able to take a step back from our routine lives and observe ourselves and the world around us as a third person. In my experience, fasting allows for this. Withdrawing from the sense of taste allows a step back from the day-to-day habitual eating that we conform to without thinking. We are able to better focus on the idea of 'eat to live' rather than 'live to eat'. The idea of renouncing food might seem extremely bizarre, but is it really? Try it to realize that eating, in reality, is not the essence of our existence. Surely we need food for our basic survival, but its the indulgence in food that is not required and strips us from our natural state of being. 

Practicing this fast can help you pull out from your ego and see yourself in the light you see everyone else in, as a third person. A reduced indulgence to your senses also helps you reduce your sense of self, and you will be more able to see the world beyond your own perspective with an increasing sense of compassion. You will also be more equipped to differentiate between an action and an actor. Being able to hold an objective view of the world as opposed to the one that's subjective from one's own perspective, I believe, is an extremely important quality to develop and harness. This allows for a non-judgmental view on events, alongside enabling you to act practically rather than acting impulsively and irrationally. 

For instance, imagine yourself in a situation where you're in a fight with your best friend. With an objective view that helps you separate your best friend as an actor from their action of misbehavior, you are more able to think rationally about the problem and think of solutions to end the problem. Alternatively, with a subjective view that bases its judgment only on your own perspective, you are more inclined to indulge in a blame game whereby your ego blames the entire fight on your best friend, sees you as a victim and your friend as a perpetrator and refuses to find a solution. 

You decide, which one is better? 

3. To be able to meditate and reach your desired state of mind faster. It's true, meditations can go deeper while fasting. An empty food-less body is far more likely to experience the higher chakras in a meditative state. I definitely recommend fasting to those who want to meditate, but have difficulty in doing so. In my experience, fasting makes meditation so much easier in that the intensity of the train noticeably diminishes. This is because once your digestive system is shut down, the vibrations in your body owed to meditation are permitted to flow through your body with a lot more intensity.
Try meditating at the end of a fasting day and see for yourself! 

  • Only continue your fast till you feel fine physically. Do not fast if you start feeling weak, stressed and close to fainting. There is no point in putting your health at stake to commit to a fast. Your body is very important as it's a temple that houses your mind. With a broken temple, it'd be very tough to reach your mind. 
  • Only continue your fast till you feel fine mentally. Do not fast if you start feeling mentally weak, irritable and moody. This beats the point as these feelings will disrupt your willpower, meditation and your overall well-being.
  • Try to keep your body hydrated with water, as you don't want to have your body dry out. You might find yourself feeling sick of water, but try to maintain a continuous consumption of water. If you are not able to do this, I would advice you to drop the fast.
  • Feed your mind with not just meditation, but also good reads as this will strengthen your willpower and harness your mind. 
  • Fasting should not be mistaken with dieting or taken as a means losing weight. Trust me it will not work. As soon as you end your fast, you will gain back all you lost, and really there's no point of putting your body through that if losing weight is your end goal. You're much better off exercising! 
  • Be careful in what you eat once your fast ends. For a few days after it ends, I recommend you keep yourself on liquids such as soups, lentils and these:
Sugar Water

  • You will urinate a lot more than usual - D'uh!
  • You will start losing weight, which you will also gain back very soon once you drop the fast
  • You will stop producing stool after the first two days - don't worry, this is absolutely normal!
  • You will feel either very cold or very hot - again, this is normal
  • You will need to eat healthier food once your fast ends to rebuild your stock of vitamins et al

Let me know...

If you'd like to share your fasting experience, or have any more questions about fasting, do let me know! Leave a comment below or send me an email on and I will get back to you!



  1. Hey Ananas, This is the best post that you have written so far. I personally didn't believe in fasting used to think it was an excuse just to reduce weight and also considered it as a waste of time. However, after reading this blog I got to learn a lot more about it, benefits just as cleansing your body, revealing your spiritual side, achieving control of your mind and also being able to break the usual cycle 'eat to live'. I really admired this post, and I will definitely try to fast at least once a year!. Thanks! #Ananas

  2. Hi , beta very nice post and really u understand very well how fasting work in our inner. Great post for those they don't know about fasting.keep writing.

  3. First of all congratulations on your 7 days fasting! You have explained the meaning of fasting very well. Love the way you have explain how fasting allows us to feel better both consciously and physically. With a lighter body and a clearer mind we become more aware, grateful for the things around us and see things positively. Keep it up..:)

  4. Hi Ananas,
    Truely admire your mental strength to go through your 7 days fasting. Shall try doing it with the wonderful new incite you have provided on fasting, rather than thinking it of a diet. Thank you for a new outlook on this aspect of our life.

  5. This is a great way to cleanse and eradicate any extra substances from the body. I will surely try it sometime to lose some weight. Can you suggest some tips to not gain weight after this fasting?

    1. Yups. Make warm water your daily routine, and lots of it! And twice a day, have warm water with lemon - but make sure you used a straw to drink this. Lemon directly on teeth can have the acid properties of lemon wear your enamel off.
      Besides this, work out! :)

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