Friday 20 March 2015

iWelcome The Sun

The Sun, The Moon and I are celebrating the First day of Spring, and oh, so is Google. I woke up today to the foggiest morning, not knowing today is THE day. The First day of Spring. The fog obviously didn't help my case.

Forwarding fast to the point of the day I realized the importance of today, thanks to that picture I received on my WhatsApp. Yes, it was The Solar Eclipse. I cannot believe I missed it. But then again, it wasn't as crazy to the local eyes of London as BBC portrayed it. That type of image probably just comes with equipment, and clearer skies of course. Else you're just stuck with your fog. But, you're not alone ..

Spotted: A randomer Googling The Infamous Eclipse

Lots of us would much rather rely on our good ol' mate Google for the latest gossip. I like how the Eclipse marked the First day of Spring this year. Makes it nothing but all the more special. 

I stepped out, without my jacket, yes, to Welcome the Sun. Turns out, I wasn't the only one. 

Exhibit A: The daring Pigeon tanning himself at the edge of a London Platform

Exhibit B: The Mighty Spring Flowers blooming away

Everyone has their own way of Welcoming the Sun. You might be packing your essentials to go out for a picnic, or you're probably camping in your backyard. Either way, get ready to go out with Miss Sunderella, she's back and she's here. 

And for me, I'm only thrilled to have my shadow back.

Peace Sir


  1. Very nice a way to welcome sun , keep writing beta

  2. Dear laughing Ananas,

    The spring is a lot like your blogs, bringing light into people's lives..


  3. Dear laughing Ananas,

    The spring is a lot like your blogs, bringing light into people's lives..

